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How to stage a dining room

Staging a Dining Room When staging a dining room, there are certain things a home seller should do to show off the space. In fact, according to the National Association of Realtors, the dining room is the 4th most important room to stage. A dining room can set the...

New budget friendly home staging service

Home buying expectations Home staging is expected now more than ever when it comes to selling homes. Buyers expect to see move-in ready homes and homeowners don’t want their homes to sit on the market either. You can fix both dilemmas with professional home...

Redesign your master bedroom for under $300

Master bedrooms are our sanctuary so when you get tired of the look, you get antsy. However, some homeowners believe it will cost a lot of money just to update the room. But I am here to tell you that you don’t need to spend a fortune on redesigning your master...

How to create your own coffee bar

Do you wish you could have your own coffee bar at home? Over 60% of people in the US are coffee drinkers. I personally do not drink coffee and have never gotten into it. I love the smell of coffee but coming from European-born parents, tea was the drink of choice in...

How to Update Your Guest Room

Do you want to update your guest room but don’t know where to get started? My client had the same issue, but since we worked together on previous projects, she knew I could help her as a Certified Interior Decorator. Guest rooms can be tricky on how much you...

Are You Ready to Downsize?

When it comes time downsize to a new space, there are a few things to consider: the size, location and cost. Once you get an idea of your budget, it normally locks you into location and the size of the new home. In the case of my client, he was moving into a senior...

This Little Bathroom Got a Major Makeover

Moving into a new house can be an exciting time especially for a family. But once you live in the new home for a while, you may realize certain spaces don’t work out as well as you thought. Maybe your family grew or maybe you aren’t using the rooms like...

How each white wall color is not the same

If you want a white wall color in your home, be aware that not all whites are the same. Let me share the differences you should be aware of before painting your home. I had a conversation with a homeowner who was building a new home. We picked all the wall colors and...

How to stage gray rooms

My latest home staging project started out with the homeowner and buyers not knowing how to use/stage two rooms in the house. The house was recently renovated and repainted. One room was a dining room and the other was a living room. But we know that dining rooms tend...

How to Stage a Living Room

A living room can come in many different shapes and sizes. Because of that, you need to optimize your layout and create a focal point so that the eye is drawn to the room. You don’t know how many times I have heard from real estate agents that they have an...

Kids Bedroom Makeover Ideas

As your kids grow up, their style and bedroom changes. So why not do a kids bedroom makeover using things you already have? My kids love it when “Mommy the Home Stager” cleans up and updates the look of their room. I don’t do it often but sometimes...

Are Your Home Staging Costs Realistic?

What are typical home staging costs when selling a home? As a home stager, I get this question a lot. Homeowners worry they have to spend thousands of dollars to get their home ready. There are a few things to consider and some tips you can do yourself to cut down the...

Confession of an Interior Decorator

As a home stager, I move furniture around or rearrange items and often hear clients say, “Why didn’t I think of that? Of course that looks better over there!” One of the reasons is because you see your room every day. When a fresh set of eyes comes in, they are...

Ready to knock out your front door?

Shut the front door The front door comes in so many options. Color, size, window, no window etc. It can also make or break an entrance. Your budget will dictate whether it is a fiberglass, wood or steel door. However, if you are thinking about replacing your front...

How does a home stager get inspired?

As a home stager, I get this question a lot. While a home stager tends to stay away from trends, you want the home to appeal to the target buyer whether it is a home for a family of kids, a retired couple or a single person. Each home is unique and you want to show...

Holiday Home Staging Secrets

Staging your home for the holidays Is your home on the market during the holiday season? Are you tempted to decorate the home one last time before you have to move? This is totally normal and of course you want to make one last memory in your home before you move out....

Home remodeling design tips

  Wish you can take a page out of a lessons learned book on home remodeling? Some lessons are hard to learn and can be costly when you are remodeling.  If you are remodeling a whole home or just a room, there are a few design tips to keep in mind to save your...

How to pick the right lamp

Let there be light! Lighting in a room can sometimes be challenging. There are 3 types of lighting you need in each room; general, task and decorative. We are going to cover task lighting and learn how to choose the right kind of lamp for the task at hand. Whether you...

How to Decorate with Industrial Decor

Bring industrial decor pieces into your home Notice a new trend entering your latest trip to the home décor store? You may have seen more metal mixed in with the wood furniture or saw some different looking light bulbs. Those are part of what is called the Industrial...

Garage: To Stage or Not to Stage?

Seriously, it’s a garage! We all need a space to get away. Some Moms would love to retreat into a spa tub and kids love to play in a dedicated playroom. But for Dads, sometimes, the only place they can retreat to is the garage or if they are lucky, a man cave....

How to Create An Easy Landscape Plan

Landscape your way with a simple plan You love your home but the landscape is something to be desired. You have all of these ideas yet never have time or energy to implement them. You don’t want to spend money on plants that may or may not survive. I get it. But...