How each white wall color is not the same
If you want a white wall color in your home, be aware that not all whites are the same. Let me share the differences you should be aware of before painting your home. I had a conversation with a homeowner who was building a new home. We picked all the wall colors and...
How to stage gray rooms
My latest home staging project started out with the homeowner and buyers not knowing how to use/stage two rooms in the house. The house was recently renovated and repainted. One room was a dining room and the other was a living room. But we know that dining...
How to Stage a Bookcase for Your Reading Corner
If you love to read, then you probably have at least one bookcase in your living room, another in your bedroom and possibly another one stashed in a family room. Let's face it, bookcases are fantastic places to store your books or books for your kids. Bookcases...
Reusing Furniture Pieces to Create a New Space
Furniture Rearranging If you have lived in your home for any length of time, chances are you get tired of seeing the same set up. Styles change and so do our tastes and that's ok. If you have pieces that are neutral in color, you can change up the accessories around...
How to Stage a Living Room
A living room can come in many different shapes and sizes. Because of that, you need to optimize your layout and create a focal point so that the eye is drawn to the room. You don't know how many times I have heard from real estate agents that they have an awkward...
Kids Bedroom Makeover Ideas
As your kids grow up, their style and bedroom changes. So why not do a kids bedroom makeover using things you already have? My kids love it when "Mommy the Home Stager" cleans up and updates the look of their room. I don't do it often but sometimes you need to change...
Questions You Should Ask Before Buying Land For Your New Home
If you are moving to Moore County, NC or any other rural area, you might think that buying some land and building a house is a great idea. A lot of military families move here and are stationed at Ft Bragg. They, along with others new to the area, sometimes don't know...
What You Should Have on Your Nightstand When Selling Your Home
Our life can get very cluttered and sometimes we don't even notice it until it is time to sell your home. One area to look at is the bedroom nightstand and how much stuff we actually accumulate over time. A nightstand is very functional but since it is a flat surface...
Are Your Home Staging Costs Realistic?
What are typical home staging costs when selling a home? As a home stager, I get this question a lot. Homeowners worry they have to spend thousands of dollars to get their home ready. There are a few things to consider and some tips you can do yourself to cut down the...
Confession of an Interior Decorator
As a home stager, I move furniture around or rearrange items and often hear clients say, “Why didn’t I think of that? Of course that looks better over there!” One of the reasons is because you see your room every day. When a fresh set of eyes comes in, they are...
5 easy tips on how to stage your house with kids
Moving and kids are probably two of the most stressful words in the English language. Put the two together and you may have World War III on your hands. I know because I had to endure that stress. You would think the world was coming to an end because we were moving...
Towels are not the only answer to vacant home staging
As a home stager, I sometimes have to cringe at the advice homeowners get from people on how to make their vacant home more appealing. A vacant home can be tough to sell for so many reasons which I covered in another blog article. However, one real estate agent told a...