Choosing interior paint colors for your new home

Picking paint colors for your new home can be daunting. I know because I’ve had to do it when we built our new house. Since then, I’ve helped several home owners with their paint colors so they are happy with their choices. Let me share the process we went...

Moving with kids

Moving can be stressful for anyone but when you add kids to the mix, it can be downright exhausting. We’ve had our share of moves across the country and around the world with and without kids. So how do you do it? Let’s talk about what will make your life...

Halloween party planning and more

The Creative Home Podcast | Episode #270 This episode is brought to you by my Etsy shop, WillowBrookPrintable. Looking for some Halloween checklists, games and invitations? Check out my instant downloads of Halloween printables at WillowBrookPrintable, and get your...