The Creative Home Podcast | Episode #197
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After all ths pandemic craziness, whether you live in the US or Europe, all these rules are wearing us down.
If you are at home, you may be thinking you need some “me” time and people are starting to look at ways to make it all about me. So let me share some Pinterest trends because if you didn’t know, Pinterest is actually a search engine, not a social platform. People use Pinterest to find pictures, inspiration, recipes, etc to fix a problem. So let me share some of those problems that people have and how you can turn your space into an emotional escape room in your home.
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Transform a room into an emotional escape room
Transform a room into an emotional escape room
Today we are talking about emotional escape rooms because there sometimes can be too much togetherness when you are working from home or staying at home because of this crazy pandemic. Each state has their won rules about whether you wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, who has to be vaccinated etc. In Europe they check to see if you are vaccinated and you have to show them. There is no privacy or HIPPA here. You either show the store/restaurant/theater/museum etc or you don’t go in. Simple as that. Some of you may be against that, some not. I’m not here to argue about rights today. I’m here to explain why people are looking for an escape and what you can do about it in your home.
So let’s get into why you need an emotional escape room. It’s an emotional time. Lots of ups and downs. People are trying to get back to a normal life before COVID but rules keep getting in our way. People are quitting jobs and looking for better ones. Family members may be getting sick. There are lots of reasons why you need what Pinterest is calling emotional escape rooms in 2022. Now, I’m going to share just a few of the room types that are trending now and share some ideas on how you can make some of these rooms.
1| Rage rooms
This one I had to look up because I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this name. Rage to me takes me back to rage parties where you had loud music, you were mostly drunk and had head bashing sessions to the music. Well, we’re kind of there when we talk about rage rooms. It’s a room where you break things. It’s actually a thing to do as a date night in Seattle which is news to me (but then again I’ve been living in Germany for the past 3 years). You get to select which items you want to break like glass bottles, plates, clay pots, vases etc. You can also break larger items like Tvs, furniture and more. Once you choose your items, you suit up in a protective suit, helmet and gloves plus things to hit with like a bat, golf club, sledgehammer…you get the point. So it’s a way to get out your frustration or anger out. Maybe you had a bad breakup, or had a REALLY bad week at work or maybe you just feel like breaking something. This is a way to get that frustration out. Now to make your own rage room in your home, you might want to use a place like a basement or something that you don’t mind doing damage to your home. You can still collect things that you want to break like glass bottles that you were going to recycle anyway, right? Maybe it’s some things that you had from your relationship that you no longer want. You get the idea, but if this is something you want to have in your home, you need to think about the flooring, walls and other damage you might do that you would have to fix later.
Or maybe you just want to graffiti a wall to get out the emotions. Hang up some plywood on a wall and get some spray paint to bring out the frustration. So if a rage room is something that will help you destress, you can either find one in your city or create one in your home.
2| Music themed emotional escape room
Music can be such a great inspiration in our lives, so creating a music themed room is a great way to help you escape as well. Here you can incorporate so many music pieces that the sky is the limit. Maybe you have a collection of guitars or violins you can hang up. Frame your favorite pieces of music, music wall decals are another great way to decorate your room, maybe some favorite lyrics. Hang old vinyl records on the wall (or ceiling), find bed sheets with music theme for your bedroom or artwork that you can hang on the wall. Old amplifiers can work great at as nightstand or side table. There are so many different ways to incorporate music into a room you just have to find it on Pinterest to get inspired. Of course, you gotta have some speakers to play that music that will help you escape in your room.
3| Crystal rooms
If you are drawn to crystals for their beauty or their energy, a crystal room maybe something to help you destress. If you collect crystals like amethyst, apophyllite, amazonite and more, they have certain qualities that help with reducing stress, give you more energy and help calm you down. I read an article by The Style Curator who breaks it down by crystals to use in different rooms around your home. But if you want to just start with a few crystals, you can implement them in your décor like in table lamps, candle holders or on a shelf. If you are familiar with the different aspects of the healing qualities of the crystals, you can use them in a what you can create as a crystal emotional escape room.
4| Tiny library emotional escape room
Now this one is something that’s I’ve been toying with in my house. We don’t have a library room, but we do have lots of bookcases in the living room, kids bedrooms and even playroom. But we have this one storage room that is small enough to transform into a really cool tiny library room. Enough to throw in a comfy chair or some bean bags and fill it with walls of shelves. You can do this at the end of a long hallway too or an awkward landing spot by the stairs. A tiny library room to me would be my emotional escape room because books can take you away from whatever is troubling you into another world. You don’t even have to have shelves. You can just stack them but the organizer in me would want shelves and shelves going up as high as you can go…maybe even have a ladder to reach the highest ones. You can even line books in a dormer window area that you can’t fit anything in anyway. It makes such a cozy corner to get away from it all. Or one more idea is to turn your dining room into a library. If you aren’t using it as a dining room, then this might be an option for you. But be aware that you may have to turn it back into a dining room when you have to sell your home.
5| Home massage rooms
Now if you have a massage therapist who comes to your home, you can carve out a small space for a home massage room. Maybe your spouse/partner gives great massages! But you can easily transform a small room with a few simple touches. You need a bed that is centered in the room but think about the surroundings like neutral wall paint and green plants. Add white towels and play soothing music in the room to get the ambiance. A soft rug on the floor and dimmer lights would also help to create your massage room. A cabinet to stash some of the oils you will use and perhaps a sink. Think about what you need to make the room make you feel calm and relaxed.
So those are just 5 emotional escape rooms you can create in your home: a rage room, a music themed room, a crystal room, a tiny library and a massage room. Some of these rooms may be easier to create than others. But with life being crazy and a pandemic, you might want to think about how you can transform maybe a large closet or a tiny awkward space into some of these spaces. And if you need help creating these spaces, I can help you there as well. Check out my website, bluediamondstaginganddesign.com and scroll down to Interior decorating.
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