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Home Staging Course:

How to Stage Your Living Room
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Selling your home can be exhausting

As a home stager and a home seller, moving can be draining.

There is so much to do and you don’t know where to focus your efforts.

Should you remove all your furniture and sell it empty?

Wouldn’t it be easier to just leave it as is?

Isn’t the real estate market hot anyway?

Years of Home Staging Experience in One Easy Course

Ready to tackle your Living Room? Seems daunting, right?


Imagine knowing EXACTLY where to put all that furniture.


Imagine the sense of peace you have knowing you helped sell your home faster.


Save money. Save time. Learn from an expert.

home staging service

“Home staging used to be optional. Today it’s a necessity to sell your house.”

Barb Corcoran

 Unfortunately, homeowners go about staging all wrong. They are making these mistakes:


MISTAKE #1: They are removing all the furniture in the living room or…

MISTAKE #2: They leave ALL the furniture and extra things that don’t belong in the living room and/or…

MISTAKE #3: They aren’t rearranging furniture to show off the space

That is why I created the How to Stage Your Living Room Course.


 A 5-STEP PROCESS that teaches homeowners how to stage their living room to get their house sold faster.

In over 10 years of staging homes, I created this process to avoid all those mistakes and now



A stackable 5 lesson video series that walks you through each step of the staging process for your living room (value $250)

Workbooks, checklists, ebooks, guides etc that show you exactly how and where to place everything from furniture to accessories (value $100)

Home staging examples of living rooms so you can see before and after pictures where these staging techniques were applied (value $150)

This course is perfect for you if:

  • You are a real estate agent and want to add staging services

  • You are the homeowner selling your house soon

  • You are unsure of what really should stay in a living room

  • You are unsure of the best furniture layout for your home and you want the cheat sheets to make it easy on you!

    home staging kasia mcdaniel

    Hi I’m Kasia!

    My fancy bio will you tell that I am a home stager and that I help homeowners sell their homes. I started my business in 2013 after moving around with the military and learning how to stage my own houses back in 2002.

    But it’s more than that. It’s working with homeowners who truly want to get their houses sold quickly because they need to move to another town, another state. They want to learn what it takes and are willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work.

    I enjoy working with you because you aren’t afraid to try something new that might scare you. Your face lights up when we move things around and you realize YOU did the work and your room looks better now. And you think, “How come we didn’t do this earlier?”

    It’s that lightbulb that lights up inside of you when you are happy.

    And that is my goal. To be happy and not stressed. Moving is a temporary thing. Yes it can be stressful but you get it done and move on.

    If you have questions, I have answers!


    Q: How do I know if the How to Stage a Living Room Course is for me?

    A: If want to learn how to quickly set up a living room and make it show better than the current state it is in, then this course is for you. 


    Q: I’m terrible at decorating and knowing where to put stuff, will this course help me?

    A: Yes! In this course I share 26 different living room furniture layouts and I break it down by room shape. There are lots of pictures in my ebook to show you how to stage a coffee table and where to find accessories if you don’t have any.


    Q: Do you offer refunds?

    A: No because these lessons are all digital and you get them all at once to help you stage your living room.


    According to the 2019 Home Staging Profile

    by the National Association of Realtors,

    staging the living room

    was the most important room for buyers.”


    Here is everything you will have access to:


    What items stay or go

    Ideal Furniture Layouts

    How to Accessorize with Color

    Best Wall Colors

    Before and After Photos