Mud room makeover

A laundry room is normally the last place anyone would look for something to show off. But if you have the space near the garage or carport, this is a perfect place for a mud room makeover.

The space I had to work with is only 6 feet wide but 22 feet long. On one end is the laundry area and on the other end a locker area was created to store backpacks, shoes and coats. You don’t have to do much to make this space useful and ready for the school season.

A mud room normally consists of a few basic necessities:mud room locker

  1. A place to sit down to remove shoes
  2. Hang coats and bags
  3. Shelf for extra items
  4. A message center

Add a bench for a seating area

A mudroom makeover is not complete without a place to sit. It is best if you can find one that either has built in storage or add your own baskets to put under the bench to hide shoes, gloves and hats. You can even store sports bags under the bench.

Hang coats

Nail hooks on the wall to store coats. Depending on the age of the children you may want to hang the hooks at various heights so they can reach them. A mud room


Hang a floating shelf or an L-bracket shelf above the hooks for storage baskets. Baskets in a mud room can hold various items such as out of season hats and gloves and can be found in various places such as Target, Home Goods or Walmart.

Message boardmud room message center

Hang a message board nearby with some bins to collect paperwork. A lot of notices are sent home during the school year. This large corkboard was used for three kids and each area labeled for each child. Post class directories or schedules on the corkboard and use the bins as a way to keep track of items going in and out such as permission slips or healthcare forms.

With just a few baskets, hooks and a bench you are well on your way to making a useful mudroom and get organized for school.