Who to trust for home staging advice? Experts or DIYers?
Episode 323
If you are selling your home soon, there are a number of professionals like real estate agents, photographers and mortgage lenders who make the selling process as smooth as possible. But who do you listen to when it comes to home staging advice? People who have done it before or an expert? Listen in to this week’s podcast where I share the pro’s and con’s of each group of people on who to trust to give you the best home staging advice.
Mentioned resources:
How to Start Staging Your Home Now Guide (free)
You might like:
Home Staging Do’s and Don’ts playlist
Pre-home staging playlist (for newbies)
Connect with Kasia
The unedited podcast transcript can be found below
Hey there, home seller. Welcome to the Creative Home Staging Show. Come on in. Come in. Come in.
Hey. My name is Kasha, and in this show, we talk about home staging for home sellers. If you are getting ready to sell your house soon, you are in the right place. We cover home staging tips, strategies to help make it easier on you, and ways to influence buyers. So roll up your sleeves, get a notebook and pen handy.
Yes. I do things the old fashioned way, and let’s get your house ready to sell. Hello, and welcome back to the Creative Home Staging Show. Now if you’ve been listening for a while, you’re probably wondering what the heck is going on? What happened here?
Yes. I’ve changed the focus, on this podcast and renamed it the Creative Home Staging Show because we’re gonna focus on home staging tips, strategies, and mindsets for you to help you get your household faster. So I wanna share a time when we took our then 4 year old daughter to a doctor for her trouble her tummy issues. She had cramping at night, cried herself to sleep, was just really heart wrenching as a parent to not be able to do anything. We’ve tried all sorts of medicines.
Right? We went to one doctor, and he said, well, we need to give her MiraLAX. I’m like, at the age of 4? Are you kidding me? Alright.
We’ll try it. Oh, she hated it. We tried some other things. It just didn’t work. Finally, he said, okay.
We gotta scope her. I’m like, oh, dear god. What? So okay. This is this is what it takes to get her feel better.
Right? He scoped her, put her down and everything. Yeah. She didn’t have anything. The doctor couldn’t find a thing.
So I fired him. I’m like, look. You are not helping. You just can’t find it. So fun, I went to a gastrointestinal doctor.
The other one was kind of one, but not not really. She specialized in children and gastrointestinal issues, and she listened to us, asked us questions, come to find out she didn’t have enough fiber in her diet. I’m like, what? What do you mean? I’m like, but she does.
She has ham and cheese sandwiches, and she has apple sauce. And she’s like, okay. Instead of apple sauce, eat apples with the skin because there’s fiber. The bread, what kind of bread is that? We need more fiber in that.
So by making little changes and tweaks that were so simple, but we had to go read labels and just figure out she was okay. A bunch of grapes is this amount of fiber. Bananas, this one of our so, basically, we had to count to 20. And because my little one was 4 years old, she would count with us to make her she got to 20 every single day because it was that important to her so that she wouldn’t cry every single night. Right?
She knew how painful it was. Right? So today, I wanna talk to you about who you should listen to for home staging tips. Right? Because there may be different groups of people that you listen to.
You’re like, oh, well, so and so has done this before. Okay. Let’s let’s talk to them. Right? So let’s start off with, the first group of people who might be your friends.
Right? Maybe they’re neighbors, who’ve moved and have their house staged before, and maybe they either did it themselves or they had a home stager, and they’re like, oh, well, they did this to our room and that that to this room. And they may not remember all of the details, but they have all their good intentions. Right? So, yeah, that’s where I would go.
Okay. Yeah. I remember doing this, but I don’t know what did what did they do for this part? Did they make us change that? What you know?
So it depends on how long ago they did this, depends on, you know, how they can help you. But the good thing is, though, that friends can also give you a different perspective on your home. Right? They may see things that you don’t because you lived in the house for so long. You’re like, oh, yeah.
I should probably remove that or change that wall color. Oh, yeah. I didn’t realize that was clutter right there. Right? So yeah.
So while your friends may be willing to help you and, you know, make some changes and, you know, say, see things for you that you’re like, oh, I didn’t know that. They may not be the best group of people to help to listen for home staging tips. Okay? So the second group of people that you may return to for home staging tips is your realtor or other realtor friends. Right?
They see houses every single day. Right? They know what sells. They have your best interest at heart, but they may not know exactly what needs to happen. They’ll know that, oh, you just need to declutter.
Well, what needs to be declutter? Exactly what needs to be removed? Okay? How far do I really need to go? You know?
Now some home realtors, do have some home staging training. Maybe they took some classes and things like that. Right? Maybe they, you know, have worked with the home stager for so long that they already know that, oh, they’re gonna tell you to do this. Let’s work on that first.
You know? So they may have some ideas, which is fantastic because like I said, they do have you know, they do see houses every day. Right? They do know what it takes to sell a house. But the only thing is they may not be willing to be the bad cop, if you will.
Okay? Realtors wanna basically be the you know, play the good cop. They wanna appease you. They wanna help you get your household, but they don’t wanna play the bad cop and tell you the bad news. Right?
They may not say, oh, well and they don’t wanna offend you. You know what I mean? So realtors, while, yes, that’d be another good start, another group of people to listen to for home staging tips, may not be your best bet when it comes to selling your home faster. Okay? Are you getting ready to sell your home soon?
Not sure where to get started on staging it to sell? Download my free guide, how to start staging your house now. I share how you can influence home buyers, what improvements to make that count, and 10 home staging tips you can do right now. Go over to bit.lyforward/startstaging now and download your free guide today. So who is the 3rd group?
Home stagers. Yeah. I know. Just like when my daughter went to a gastrointestinal kids doctor, I’m that specialist for homes and home staging. Right?
I’ve seen houses as well. I know what works. I know the simple, easy things that you can do, but also play the bad cop and give you the tough love and say, look. We’re trying to sell your house. Right?
We’re trying to get your household faster. This may be painful in the beginning, but this is necessary. Right? And, again, just like a doctor, if you don’t like some of the things, you know, some of the thing, like, the recommendations, you don’t have to do them. But, you know, just like if you went to a therapist for your an arm.
Right? If you had a sore arm or something like that. You don’t have to do the same exercises, but you know what? If you do, it does make you feel better, and it does help you heal faster. Right?
Same idea. So with a homestager, we can visualize the set setting of each of the rooms. We know what needs to be moved around. We know what paint colors to use. We know what things that can easily be removed or added to give the the flare to appeal to home buyers.
Right? And, again, it’s only temporary. It’s not meant to be forever. This is only for a short time. You will get your stuff back when you get to your new house, and you can decorate it any way you want when you get to your new house.
But home staging, just think of it, is a temporary thing. It’s not meant to last forever, and it’s meant to help you sell your home faster. Okay? You may not like it, kinda like that spoonful of sugar that you need to take for that bed medicine. Right?
Yeah. Yeah. Same idea. Okay. Enough of the analogies.
Alright. So I started I’m gonna start a new moving tip segment in these episodes because once you go from staging, you’re gonna be moving. Right? So let me know if you like the moving tip segments. If you rate my show, I’d really love if you could leave a review.
This week’s 2 moving tip is to make your last doctor appointments, whether it’s for allergies, for your eye doctor, maybe it’s the dentist, because it may take some time before you move when you move to the other town, city, state before you find one that you’re happy with. Right? That you can get in for the appointment, that you can, you know, get to know them and their staff and whether your kids could you know, so same thing just not just for you, but for your kids too. Get their last allergy shots or whatever it is they need. Maybe they have or the orthodontist.
Right? Now you’re gonna have to find another one over there. So get your last appointments in before you move so that you have the, you know, the last things that you’ve done. You get copy of their medical records to take with you to the next doctor, but get those appointments because those are the hardest ones sometimes to set up quickly once you get to your new place. Okay?
So that’s your moving tip segment for the week. Alright. So I hope this episode helped you understand to go to the professionals when it’s a doctor or a home stager or whoever it is to get the results that you want. Alright? I hope you guys have a fantastic week.
We’ll talk to you later. Bye. Thanks again for listening to this episode of the Creative Home Staging Show. I hope you got some good tips in this episode, and I hope you come back and listen for more. If you wanna connect and want to take action, there are some ways you can stay connected with us.
Number 1, you can watch this episode on my YouTube channel at blue diamond staging and design to get more visuals. I like to share some short videos there as well, so take a look at my channel there. Number 2, you can also leave a review. Your feedback helps this show grow. You can go to the show and tap the 3 vertical dots to open the menu and hit rate the show.
Number 3, you can also find custom playlists from older home staging episodes that I called home staging do’s and don’ts, as well as pre home staging playlists for those of you who are new to home staging. And number 4, if you have any questions about today’s episode or need some home staging advice, you can go to blue diamond staging and design.comforward/chat, and contact me via email or call me. I hope that this podcast is just a way for you to get to know me and how I can help you. Remember, you can do this, and staging is temporary. Keep up the good work, and I can’t wait to connect with you more.