Summer time is the biggest moving season for the military. If your home is on the market, your buyers will be looking for a home to settle into before the school year starts up again. Your outdoor spaces can get a leg up on the competition so keep them tidy and looking their best with these staging tips.
You know you need to keep up with lawn maintenance and making sure the weeds don’t pop up in your flowers beds. But have you looked at the actual outside of the home? Could it use a bath? Power washing is a great way to bring some life back into your home. Wash the windows, sidewalks and even the siding on the home.
In the picture to the left, all this deck needed was some power washing. Look how new the wood deck looks on the left side compared the old gray weathered look on the right side. And all it took was a few hours with a power washer.

By keeping your property clean, adding some color with furniture and plants and bringing in a feature like a fire pit, your home will stand out among the competition.

Storm Cleanup
Summer storms are notorious around here and they can cause a lot of damage if you have a lot of trees. When your home is on the market, be sure to keep up the nice, clean home front. Rake up the leaves, pine straw, or tree limbs that may have fallen down during the storm. If you no longer live in the home, make sure your lawn maintenance crew can get out there to clean it up. Weeds tend to pop up in bluestone driveways during this time too, so spray with a weed killer or pull them out by hand.Outdoor Seating
Bring in some color and interest to your home with furniture. The big box stores will start their summer clearance sales in August. This is a great time to snag a bench or outdoor pillows. If you don’t have room or a porch to set them, use them in a side yard or the backyard. A beautiful park-like setting can be easily achieved with a few potted plants and a place to sit.

Plants are another way to bring some color to your outdoor space. If you don’t have space for a flower bed, a potted plant is just as good. Pots come in different colors too and that helps brighten up the space. Make sure you keep those plants watered so they don’t die on you when buyers come to the house. The best time to water them is later in the day after dinner or early morning before you leave for work.Fire Pits
If you have done all the above and still feel like you need something else, fire pits can show a buyer how they can entertain outdoors. Fire pits bring back camp memories. And if you are selling your home, this is one way to up the ante. If you have an area in the backyard with a fire pit, make it look appealing. Add some chairs with new outdoor cushions. If it’s on a deck, make sure the deck is power washed to make the space look new again. Clean out the fire pit of ashes and leave it empty or if you have some wood, stack it in there. Don’t have a fire pit? Arrange some large rocks in a circle and use those fallen branches you cleaned up from the last storm and put them in there. Add some chairs and use a tree stump for a side table.