3 outdated wall decor to remove when selling your home
Episode 321
Wall decor can be a personal decision and reflects your personality. But when it comes time to decorate your home to sell, we need to tone down some of that wall art. Some wall art can be trendy and then quickly make your home look outdated. Learn what three wall decor items can make your home look outdated that I recommend removing when selling your home.
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How to Start Staging Your Home Now Guide (free)
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Wall art can be such a personal decision when it comes to decorating your walls. But have you thought about what it is that you put on your walls when it comes time to selling your house? Hey there. I’m Kasha. And in this episode, we’re gonna talk about what 3 outdated wall art decor you should remove when staging your home to sell.
Welcome to the Creative Home Podcast where we talk about home staging, moving, decorating, or updating your home decor. This podcast is perfect for homeowners and realtors who want real advice that works. I am your host, Kasia McDaniel. I’m a home stager and decorator for homeowners and real estate agents who just don’t know where to get started on staging or decorating their home and want to eliminate the guesswork on arranging your furniture, picking colors, and knowing what works best for you. And it’s my goal through these episodes to answer those home staging, moving, and decorating questions to help you through each step of the process so that you can see results and move into the next phase in your home life.
Even if you have time constraints, a tight budget, or your kids are running around making you crazy. If you are ready to learn about how to make your life easier, then you’ve come to the right place. I can’t wait to help you get started. Okay. Welcome back to another creative home podcast.
I am your host, Kasha McDaniel. I am very excited you’re here today, and I wanna talk about wall decor. Now if you look behind me and you’re watching me on YouTube, you can see that there’s, you know, a very bland kind of generic, nothing fancy, wall art. It’s just a picture of, like, a a 2 flowers, really. Right?
So it’s a landscaping picture. A lot of the times you all may have family photos everywhere. You may have some memorabilia. It may be, maybe something that means something to you. Maybe it’s a famous painting or something like that or a or a favorite artist of yours, and wall art can be very personal.
So I wanna go through that in when it comes to selling your house because when you’re selling your house, you’re now decorating it to sell versus the way you decorate to live in it. Now I know a lot of people have had, concerns when it comes to wall art and they’re like, well, that’s my favorite painting. It reminds me of such and such thing or maybe it’s the time you spent somewhere. Maybe you live somewhere, and it just reminds you of that place, which is great. That’s all your personal type things.
But when it comes time to selling your home, we’re gonna depersonalize things. We’re gonna take down, family photos and things like that, and there’s a couple reasons for that. Number 1, it’s basically to remove yourself from the house, which is what we’re doing. You’re moving. Right?
So you have to start thinking of you and moving out of the house and moving someplace else. Right? You don’t wanna remind the buyers that you live in the house because you want them to imagine themselves living in the house, and they can’t do that when they are surrounded by things that are not neutral or, you know, that don’t work well with the home. Okay? So when it comes to wall art decor, there are a couple things that sometimes date the home and kinda make this home feel kinda shabby, kind of outdated, and and not bright and clean and sparkly.
Right? That’s kinda what we’re trying to go to is to wow them. Right? So that they come in and make an offer. Right?
So let me get into 3 things, that is outdated that you should remove when it comes time to selling your home. So number 1, let’s start with metal candle sconces. You’ve probably seen them in the eighties nineties more so, 2,000. They’re those kind that you used to hang on the wall. They’re metal scrolly beautiful things, but they’re really outdated.
Yeah. You really can’t burn the candle unless it has, like, the glass type thing in there, and it’s just really just for show. Right? That’s something you can easily take down, and just remove it. And you probably were thinking, well, I put it up there, but I don’t doesn’t do anything for me.
Maybe maybe you’ll do like them. Maybe you wanna keep them, and that’s fine. Move them to your next house. That’s perfectly fine. But that’s an outdated wall art decor that you can quickly and easily remove.
So that’s something just for example, I’ve seen those in a lot of houses that people have lived in for, you know, 10, 20, 30 years. I’m dating myself now because I keep thinking that the year, like, 2000 was, like, 10 years ago. It’s a lot longer than that. I know. But those metal candle sconces, any kind of sconces of those kind, those are gonna be very scrolly traditional type, that are just easily just take them down.
Okay? It’s the simplest thing you can do when you’re selling your house. Alright? Number 2. The other thing that is outdated now, but was a trend eventually basically a trend when, Magnolia Homes was around and, Chip and Joanna Gaines, right, was word art.
You know what I’m talking about? It’s those sometimes long farmhouse looking thing where it says live, laugh, love. You know, maybe it has words like eggs for sale. You put things in your kitchen, you know, clean up after yourself, anything with words. And there’s wall art should not be used.
You don’t have to remind people on how to wash the dishes even though you have kids like I do, and they’re like, seriously, there’s dishes in the sink. Please clean them up. Right? But when it comes to time to selling your home, that is not wall art. Again, it could be something simple like a landscape picture or a mirror or something just just decorative, but it doesn’t have words on it.
Okay? So word art is outdated. You can definitely take that to your next home. If it’s something that you love, that is perfectly fine. But when we’re trying to sell a house, we’re trying to not do anything that’s trendy.
Okay? We’re trying to stay more basic. I know you’re probably gonna think boring, neutral. Right? And those types of things date the house.
You don’t want them to think, oh, that’s outdated. Even though you know it’s not staying with the house and they know it doesn’t stay with the house, it’s just one simple thing that you can easily take down and remove. Okay? So that’s the second one. If you are staging your house, this is a great opportunity for me to jump in here.
And if you’re looking to need help on how to stage your house, I do have a free guide called how to start staging your house now. You can download it, and start working on it in there. I tell you how you can influence home buyers, home improvement projects that you should work on, that work on before others, right, that gets you better bang for your buck. And then tone 10 home staging tips that you can use right now to get your house started. Okay?
So that’s something that’s a free download. You can take a look at the link in the show notes below. But, basically, it’s a quick and easy way to help you understand what you can do to get your house ready to sell. Okay? Now number 3, the third thing that is an outdated wall art decor that you should take down when it comes time to sell your house are wall stickers.
Yeah. It, again, it could be, words. Right? Like, maybe it says live, laugh, love, but it’s a sticker. It’s not on a canvas piece.
It’s not printed on some kind of, you know, other art form or metal or, wooden plate, you know, type of thing. So any wall stickers that you can easily peel off, any kind of maybe a graphic of some sort, or I’ve seen, like, cityscapes and things like that in the living room. That, is actually kind of a cheap looking thing for a home. And now I know you’re probably thinking, well, but that’s what I did to decorate. I’m a bachelor.
I’m a bachelorette. I don’t have, you know, those types of things. I know they’re easy to put up, but they’re not something that you should use when it comes time to staging your home as far as artwork. Okay? Pick something simple up that you can find, like, on a canvas.
Like I said, you could hang up a mirror. You can find some, lots of different artwork pieces that you can find in many big box stores that will look so much better on your walls than a wall sticker. Now I kind of say that for, like, the living room and the the dining room and things like that. I wouldn’t do that in there. But, like, if you have a kid’s bedroom and you have some stickers in there like dinosaurs or, you know, some Tonka trucks or a princess thing.
You could probably get away with, like, maybe 1 or 2, depending how big they are. Maybe they’re little. You could probably get away with a couple of them, but you don’t want it to clutter up and feel like it’s so many stickers everywhere on that wall. Okay? If you do have that, I would definitely take those down.
I would recommend that as a home stager. And, again, all these recommendations are to help you get your house sold faster. You don’t have to listen. I’m just gonna tell you this is what I highly recommend you do because it’s number 1, it’s simple to take down those stickers. You can reuse them later in your next home.
But I’m also trying to help you get your house sold faster, and those are things that’ll be quickly and easily taken down, removed. And if you need something on the wall, again, it could be a simple, picture that you can hang up, whether it’s a landscape, whether it’s an abstract piece, that can be a a clock, a big large clock. Right? You could do that. That’s a simple one you could put in a living room.
Okay? So those are just three things that of wall art decor that are outdated that I highly recommend you remove when you are selling your home. And before I forget and before you run away, I do have my October 30 day home staging challenge that you can also sign up for. Even though it’s October’s already started, you can definitely catch up and sign up for this home staging challenge. It’s totally free, and it gives you an opportunity to work on little tasks each day.
So what I do in this 30 day home staging challenge is I send you a daily email for 30 days, And each email has a task or 2 or a room to focus on and what you can do in that room. I also put in there a 30 day at a glance calendar. So maybe you wanna work ahead or maybe the weather is pretty bad that you can’t work outside on the lawn on the day that I send you stuff. Right? So maybe you can skip around and do things, but it gives you an idea of what rooms to focus on, what you need to do in each room so that you can get your house sold faster.
So if this is something you’re interested, I would love to see you and join have me join me on my 30 day home staging challenge, and I’ll leave the link in the show notes. But if you take a look at my website, blue diamond staginganddesign.comforward/home stagingchallenge 2024. Like I said, I’ll leave the link in the show notes. Back to the show. Okay.
So we talked about 3 things on how, outdated items that you should remove when selling your house. So number 1, we talked about the metal candle sconces. Number 2 is any kind of word art that you have, and number 3 are wall stickers. So, hopefully, those will give you an easy to do easy to remove and replace with something else that maybe is a little more, you know, grown up, more neutral than what you have on your walls. Okay?
So I hope this gives you some inspiration to get your household faster so that you can move into your dream home. Alright. We’ll talk to you later. Thank you so much for joining me in this episode of the Creative Home Podcast. This podcast gives me a chance to help you with staging, moving, and decorating, so I hope you come back and listen for more tips.
If you have a question or have a suggestion on what I should cover on a future episode, let me know. I would love to hear from you. You can DM me on Instagram at blue diamond staging and design, or email me at kasha, k a, s as in Sam, I a, at blue diamond staging dot com.